Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Lies, Lies, Everywhere Lies

IIWW has been quiet as of late. But he came out with a couple of good ones today. I swear IIWW has been to court for varies reasons at least 12 times in the past 3 months. This morning was one of them.

This morning and the last three have been for driving without a license and running a red light. Like if you don’t have a license why would you run a red light? Anyway, he calls someone about 11:00am and says he is done and is going to stop at McDonalds and will right in. (1st lie it is 5 minutes away).

I am at the water fountain when he arrives at noon, he can’t see me. He starts talking to another person about court. I will give you a bit of the conversation. He says “Well I only have to pay a $300.00 fine!” He is really excited about that. She says “I thought you hired a lawyer and was getting off?” (2nd lie – he said that two weeks ago to all) He said I thought they would give me a public defender today. I don’t think they even have public defender for the county.” Ok, my water bottle is over flowing by now, but I still stand there, gotta hear it. The next statement is one of the two most outrageous I heard today. He continues on “It was the same judge from my custody battle, I think he plays favorites and should be barred.” (Yes, barred, not disbarred.)

She goes on and asks (and yes she is baiting him she knows I am there.) “Well whatever happened with the custody case? You’ve never said.” IIWW said, “Well I had two lawyers, (3rd lie, he forgot he told us he never had one because it is too much money) but I had to fire them because they didn’t know what they were talking about.” (2nd most outrageous)

So there I am, could have filled my water bottle at least 4 times still listening. I am leaning down to actually get a drink. IIWW asks this person “Since I got here at noon do I get a lunch at my normal break time or should I just take my break?” (Almost choked on that one) She asks if he is staying and making up the 4 hours he missed. (Has no vacation time left so he has to make it up) He says “No, I thought I would work 3 so it would make it an even 6 I have make up with yesterday.” He walks away. She comes to where I am and we both just shake our heads and laugh.

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