Tuesday, September 11, 2007

First off let me tell you a bit about idiotboy I work with (iiww). He is 21yrs old, thinks he is gods gift to women (the thought of kissing him is gross as he doesnt bush much..ok there goes my toast), he thinks he is all knowing about the computer but is on the phone with IT at least once a week fixing his. Iiww loves to brag and lie. We believe today is no exception, he called in saying he was going to be late, as he got into a fender bender. Less than a month ago he was pulled over for running a red light and got a driving without a license as well. Here start the lies. Said he asked the cop and I am quoting here "What the F**k do you want?". Ok, that would be automatic go directly to jail do not pass go. He also said it was a stop sign and the cops were out to get him(like who would want him)! Guess he didn't realize it would be in the paper. Ok, back to today. He walks in with the cell phone glued to his ear as per usual for all day saying "I love you". Poor girl. 4 out of 5 in the office had hoped he was driving. He would go to jail then, no luck there. I happen to be going back to my office from the water fountain when he walked by. I yell to someone else "guess we didn't get lucky today!" she busts out laughing. The other 2 come out of their offices laughing. He gives me a dirty look and slams his door! Hahahaha...my day has started out really well. Hope the rest is this good!

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