Thursday, September 13, 2007

Disappointment and Caught!

Well first of all iiww really really disappointed me this morning. We have a daily nickel pool going on his lateness. My time was 5 minutes. Well this is where the disappointment comes in. No one won! He was only a minute or two late (still late just not late enough).

Next, I made myself a piece of toast. I brought in an 8 oz tub of margarine that was 3/4 full about 2 - 3 weeks ago. OK, I have had maybe 6 - 7 pieces of toast out of this margarine before this morning. So I put my bread in the toaster and get MY margarine. Open it. There is about 1/4 left. I go and get a marker thinking OK, everyone knows its mine but I didn't mark it. I put my initials on it.

I am working along and hear the toaster. My office is right next to the break room. I get my cup of water and go to nuke it for tea. Really just wanted to see if it was iiww. Low and behold it was. He was just finishing up butter his bagel with my stuff. I say to him, "iiww, that's not community." "Oh, I will replace it." he says. Yeah right what fn ever dude is what I thought.

So, now the margarine is in my office. I will bring toast to finish up tomorrow and I guess have to bring it only when I need it.

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